What is Biopuncture
- What is Biopuncture
- Where are injections given?
- How does Biopuncture work?
- What does it treat?
- Benefits of Biopuncture
Biopuncture is an injection therapy that uses biological products (homoeopathic and herbal products) into specific areas of the body. The homeopathic and herbal preparations are dilute microdoses of plants or minerals given intramuscularly in one small injection site. One injection intramuscularly has a systemic effect on the entire body. Most injections are given under the skin or into the muscles. Commonly used products in biopuncture:
- Arnica – Used for sprains and strains, haematomas and muscle pain
- Nux vomica – Used for digestive problems
- Ignatia – Used for stress-related symptoms
- Echinacea – Used to regulate the body’s immune system
- Lymphomyosot – Used to assist with drainage
- Traumeel – Used for inflammation and injuries
- Zeel – Used for Whiplash, tennis elbow and osteoarthritis
Biopuncture aims to regulate the inflammatory processes and support the natural repair mechanisms of the body.