How to recognize unsuspected allergies in yourself and your loved ones… despite your blood tests revealing no allergies.
Many families are well aware of the members that display the typical and acceptable forms of allergy such as hay fever, asthma, hives/urticaria or eczema. These members are usually sneezing, wheezing or scratching. Yet there are subtler and as important, telltale signs that can help us identify the unsuspected allergies.
Dramatic changes in appearance, health and personality can be due to unsuspected allergies and unless we identify the root cause we are not able to correctly advise and treat these individuals suffering from one or other allergic reaction.
Possible clues to consider when you or your loved one has eaten or come in contact with something that you suspect bothers you and you experience some of the following:
- Excessive perspiration
- An offensive body odour that does not improve with bathing
- Pale face
- Expressionless face – spaced out kind of look during the allergic reaction
- Red ear lobes, some fair skinned children will have red ear lobes in a hot room, this is not an allergy sign.
- Wiggly and fidgety legs
- Dark circles or bags under the eyes
- Red nose tip
- Red itchy watery eyes
- Glazed eyes and spaced out appearance during allergy-related temper outburst
- When reprimanding your child you notice that they are not able to comprehend what you are saying and continue with the bad behaviour
- Light sensitivity
- Sound sensitivity after exposure to allergens, children can be found to cover their ears and scream that the noise is too loud
- Recurrent ear infections
- Bright red circular patches on the checks especially in children ages 1 – 4
- Rash below the lower lip or around the entire mouth
- Patients with food allergy can nervously lick their lips, lips can be dry and cracked
- Older children and adults can have a yellowish discolouration and slight puffiness
along the outer boarder of the lips
- Extreme drooling or salivation, the extreme drooling/ salivation may cause irritation in the corners of the mouth
- Ulcers and or open sores on the gums or checks
- Patchy coating on the tongue (geographic tongue)
- Thick white or grey coating on tongue
- Excessive thirst can indicate various things…kidney problems, diabetes, essential fatty acid (omega 3) deficiencies and ALLERGIES
- Hyperactivity and endless talking with limited speech content
- Continuous whining and repetitive sentences
- Speaking very fast/unclear speech/stuttering
- Cold hands and feet, especially seen in female patients
- Aching and paining in the lower legs especially at night
- Bladder issues
- Sleep issues
- Changes in handwriting
We are determined to find drug-free solutions to allergies else we will continue to see disease develop later in the lives of our patients, the immune system cannot handle being continuously over-burdened by allergens.
Please always think about food (wheat, corn, dairy and sugar), dust, mould and chemical exposure that might be triggering a reaction, even if a test does not show results. We need to become more mindful in observing ourselves and our loved ones, our immune systems often respond to the environmental substances in an attempt to maintain the balance as we have already discussed.
When something is not good for you stay away from it! If you do not, you will compromise your health and your body will respond in various ways to help you maintain balance despite you not making change, this over many years will result in “dis-ease”. Make the necessary changes, we want you healthy!
Yours in health
Drs Dos Ramos